Prayer for the perfecting of the saints

"The Lord will perfect that which concerns me." - Ps. 138 : 8

Today I read this scripture once again, only this time was quite different from all other times.
I have always read it and apply it to my life only, but this time around I was asking myself, 'what about the other believers to whom this verse applies?' The other "Me" which means you.

Surely the Lord will perfect that which concerns them too and that includes you.

God desires to bring to completion and fulfilment everything which concerns his people.
I thought for a moment about the many issues facing some of our people. Some are having issues with punctuality, integrity, discipline, leadership, sexuality, greed and obedience and the list goes on and on. I am even annoyed at times at the seemingly lack of accountability among some of our church leaders. Does it mean that God will perfect that which concerns them too?

The issues and concerns we face with our churches and the people are many and varied.
We sometimes wonder whether we will ever get pass some of these hurdles, as they seem so insurmountable.

But here God's word is confirming that in order for our Pastors, Bishops, Overseers, Deacons, Ordinary members and all to get to a state of perfection, we must offer prayer on their behalf. We ought to secure their purpose and watch over their success. Some persons will never even make it close if we fail to pray. So rather than embarking on a crusade to slander, murmur and grumble, why not let us channel that energy to a greater and righteous cause? The very person I can't seem to stand could be very much indeed of some intercession.

Have it ever occured to you that part of the reason why you can hardly stand some of the things around is that you are purpose to make a change? Bringing about that required change could be an assignment for you. I have found this to be so in my own life experiences. Sometimes too we assume that others share in the wisdom we possess. Often times they really need our help and feel helpess in their situation.

I must therefore, take those issues which annoys me so badly and offer them up to God in prayer. I must pray for my leaders that they will reach their perfection. The level which God desires to take them can only be attained if we all offer prayer for the perfecting of the saints and it starts with me.

Despite the issues we have, when we go down in prayer, a part of God's promise is described in Ephesians 4 : 11 - 13, "And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ."

We must take the bull by the horn and the issues must be laid on the altar one by one. I am not one to repeat prayer like some poetic recital. I believe in the awesome power of prayer to transform and renew. I believe in using prayer as a weapon and a shield. I have had many personal experiences of the mighty acts which effectual fervent prayer calls into being. As a result, prayer must be offered for all from a sincere heart.

Let us pray for those who would otherwise bring shame to the name of Jesus and the church.
Let us pray that they will find the strength to live holy and follow the spiritual disciplines.
Let us pray that they will reach perfection. Let us pray for our leaders that when they would have driven others away through their own ignorance, they too will see the importance of every single soul in the sight of God. Pray for their wisdom in leading God's people. Let us pray for our brethren so they will be victorious over what ever struggles they face.

Let prayers be offered for the perfecting of the saints. Pray that the body of Christ will be restored to its full operation with all its members fully functional. God has already promised that he will perfect that which concerns me and this means you too. Let us pray, "Thy will be done, amen".


  1. This is great. It's a good reminder that we need to pray for each other.If I were to hear a sermon and all I heard was what you have written I would be very filled. This is great writing and I will send it to all my friends.


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