A prayer from a changed heart

Dear God….

When I am to react to the things around me
Let me not respond as I would, rather as your word says I should

When evil committed against me is brutal and painful
Let me operate with wisdom and render not evil for evil rather overcome evil with good

Lord when I am tempted to sin
Oh Lord and these are many
May I be reminded than keeping a distance
Is a powerful way to protect me from myself

When I believe I cannot and it is not within me to resist the wrong
May I be reminded that in my times of weakness you have promised to make me strong

Lord when I am hurting, really hurting, may I not be too hasty in my responses
For I may cause more hurt to others who are already hurting and by so doing turning the situation into a more complex one

Help me to understand that some things are already too difficult to comprehend each day and my own actions, reactions, perceptions and beliefs could create even more perplexing ways.

Lord in my times of need and lack
Cause me to see how much you have my back

I have sinned and fallen short of your glory
But I no longer desire to miss all you have made me for and made me to be

If I have been missing the mark, cause me to return to you so I will no longer fall short of your glory. Let me see the way you see and hear the way you hear.

And finally Lord, when your word is spoken, some times it just doesn’t fit and when it doesn’t fit it becomes even more difficult for me to wear. Help me Lord to wear your word even when it may be too tight or too loose on me, cause me to grow into it in Jesus name, Amen.


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