MIND Hygiene (Part 1 of 2)

A few hours ago I had a bad thought.
Yesterday I had another 'stinking' imagination.
The day before yesterday, I also had some wrong, crazy and unkind thoughts floating around in my head.
Do you think I am normal?
Oh yes, I am.

Everyday we are bombarded with wrong, obnoxious, poor, or ungodly thoughts.
Daily we take steps to improve our mouth hygiene, our body odor, our hair and other essentials.
If we want further help with our oral hygiene we go see the dentist.
If we want to groom our hair we go see the barber, go to the hair dresser or ask our cousin living across the street to help.
We have so many shops and spa designed to help us take better care of our bodies, hair and mouth today.
Where do we go to take better care of our mind?

When your mind is greatly in need of repair, servicing, cleaning or enhancement, where do you go?
The church is one of the places you can turn to have your mind serviced. 
The bible and study of the word is also another way we can improve our minds.
Prayer and Fasting is another discipline to help us.
The PJ Habit Family also provides guided support to help grow a renewed mind.

But still, there are just not enough mind-improvement shops around. 

If we do not throw out the garbage daily, we know the consequence.
if we do not receive a bath in clean water daily, the evidence will be inhaled.
What are the consequences of going around day after day with a filthy mind?
Can you assess your own life and see how much this could perhaps destroy you, your neighbor and your relationship with GOD?  
"If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God."~ Colossians 3:1

Stay tuned to learn how to renew the mind daily.
Jermaine Gordon
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