Don't bite the bait - Titus 2 : 8

How often do you get into trouble because of words you have used, whether directly or indirectly?
Today one of my cousins read my online profile for my first book and was so moved by the work that she decided to encourage me with Titus 2: 8. I want to share both verse 7 and 8 with you which reads:

"Always set an example for others by doing good works.
Teach with integrity and dignity.
Use wholesome speech that cannot be condemned. Then any opponent will be ashamed because he cannot say anything bad about us." - ISV

Some times persons scuff at good works and say we are not saved by our good works, but good works could make the difference between we ending up on the right side or not. Good works could make the difference in us being effective witnesses or not. What do I mean by that?

Have you noticed carefully what is happening around us? People have reached a stage where they are able to deceive themselves so much that acts which were once considered out rightly forbidden are now being entertained and permitted in some quarters.

I have found that in my own life, if I discipline my body to obey the word of God and I continue to obey and do the right, then it becomes much easier than harder. The reverse is also true.
If we indulge in perverted speaking, it becomes easier and easier to do it. By doing the wrong thing over and over, we eventually convince ourselves that there is nothing wrong with it. Self-deception.

Today almost every other word in the English language is being given some 'sexual' reference or connotation. If we refuse to go down that road we can save ourselves from the pain of lust, perverted talking and fowl conversations.

Ultimately, the child of God desires to be obedient to God and His word, therefore we must keep our mouth. Our thoughts, words, actions, play time and serious times must remain pure and without condemnation. Doing the wrong things under the disguise of 'fun' is a deceptive technique applied by the great Deceiver over and over again. Don’t be fooled, and don’t fall for his lies.

Let us be examples in our speech and the deeds we perform on a daily basis. Let us ask God to forgive us and allow us to live with integrity in our work place, schools and colleges, our communities and our homes.

My cousin did not write out the scripture at all she simply placed the scripture reference in the subject of her email. Because of the desire in me for the word of God It caught my attention and energy and the ultimate result is this blog. It really was as simple as that. It is the same method used in the devils deceptions, he sets the bait and we bite it and get caught. Don’t bite the bait, be conscious of his devises.


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