How to Overcome Temptations

“The more I try not to, the more I do. Gosh! I just wish there was some way I could control myself. All I really desire is some good fun without the sin attached. ”

These are the words of frustrated sixteen year old Andre as he explained his difficulty to his friend Marissa.

Do you feel like Andre at times?

Is there something you are struggling with and you wish you could overcome it?

Both Andre and Marissa decided they needed to talk with someone with wisdom, so they went to talk with their Youth Leader - Daniel who shared the following insights with them:

These are the three ways in which you can be tempted and we each will face one or more of these at some point in our lives:

1. Temptations by objects or encounters

 Temptation is a pornographic movie or magazine

 Temptation is looking at an attractive person and allowing their body to preoccupy your mind

 Temptation is chocolate or cheese cake when you are already struggling with overweight issues.

2. Temptations by being in pressuring situations

 Temptation is seeing money falling from someone’s pocket and wanting to take it as your own

 Temptation is your friends forcing you to do something you know is wrong

 Temptation is being jeered to the point of fighting.

3. Temptations by hearing voices in your head

 Temptation says, “Everyone is doing it and you would be strange not to do it too.”

 Temptation says, “I am going to give them a taste of their own medicine.”

 Temptation says, “You can’t do it, you are worthless, furthermore nobody likes you anyway.”

The most destructive is the third one as it aims to destroy both your confidence and your belief in the word of God.

Fighting temptations – Knowing and understanding the truth can save you from falling for Satan’s lies. On hearing this, Andre took a deep breath.

The negative thoughts and the weaknesses you have usually serve as an open door to be tempted. James 1:14 says, “…each one is tempted when, by his own desire, he is dragged away and enticed.”

This therefore means that you will be tempted (excited or aroused) by those things that you like and provoked (incited or roused) by those things that you don’t like.

Daniel then went on to sharing the following 7 ways of overcoming temptations with Andre and Marissa. See how these too can help you:

1. Stay away – (Know where your weakness lies)

You stand a better chance of not falling into temptation if you stay away from the things which may trip you over. 2 Timothy 2:22 says, “Flee the evil desires of youth and pursue righteousness…”

Youth is a time when lusts strike the strongest and you have the least experience dealing with them. The hormones flowing through your body cause your emotions to fluctuate between extremes. Therefore, find creative activities to divert your energies such as sexual urges. Know your weakness and stay away from those things which will bring you shame.

2. Talk with someone

Just like Andre and Marissa did, they found Daniel who was able to guide them into understanding themselves and making the right decisions. You too can find someone who will help you to overcome your temptations and check upon your progress from time to time. Find good counsel.

3. Use the bible as your inspiration

The bible has very good instructions to help young people with their everyday challenges. In psalm 119: 9 it says, “How can a young person stay pure? By obeying your word and following its rules.”

Sinful acts usually come with a lot of pleasures and enjoyment but the consequences later on are painful and can be devastating.

4. Watch your attitude and your thinking

You will eventually do and become whatever you feed your mind on. Be careful of the type of thoughts you entertain. A man is literally what he thinks – Proverbs 23: 7.

Keep your thoughts and your conversations pure and avoid negative thinking. You can also commit a sin from your thoughts, even if you never performed the act (Mark 7:18-23).

Think positive at all times. – Philippians 4:8

5. Change your environment

Staying pure sometimes require changing your friends or the people you hang out with, especially if they are not encouraging you to do the right things. You are young and you will need to use your strength for godly and righteous activities.

If you have a tendency to gossip, then see how much you can get involve in activities which allow you to use your talent of speaking for good. These are activities that will bring glory to God. Perhaps you can try debating.

6. Get into the habit of making the right choices

Your entire life is formed around a series of choices and decisions, good or bad. Every time you overcome a temptation it gives you more strength to overcome the next one.

7. You can receive forgiveness

If you fall, get up. Don’t allow your guilt to get the better of you. Jesus loves you so much that he already made provision for when you do fall. He says in 1 John 1:9, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”

Be careful now; do not fall into the dangerous trap of repeated sin because you know God will forgive you.

Jesus told his disciples in Matt. 26:41 to watch (Stay alert) and pray so that they will not enter into temptation. This raises an interesting question, whenever we fall into temptation, is it because we fail to watch and pray?”

If you pray and have regular worship sessions it will help you to be more victorious.

You can enjoy your Christian life and be holy at the same time. Trust God and always allow His Spirit to lead you, for in all these we are more than conquerors through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Both Andre and Marissa were grateful for what they learnt and so they decided they would share this information with all the other members of the youth group.

(Feel free to forward this artcle to someone you believe would benefit, thanks for sharing)


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